Crew: SL081924-B

Contact: Michael Holcomb

Phone: 9493318649

E-Mail: mwholcomb555@gmail.com


Join us for the best adventure at Sea Base! We have three, possibly four, openings on our crew. Our crew has three adult leaders. One is a PADI Course Director (the person who trains dive instructors!) with 2500+ dives, and another has almost 400 dives. The kids’ experience ranges from half pending certification, a few with ten, and one with 30+ dives. We are a combined Council crew from Vancouver, WA, but we don’t care where you are from. We’ll meet your Scout at MIA or FLL, and we’ll have people there a few days early and one day late to ensure no Scout is left at the airport or arrives and doesn’t have anyone to meet them. Just check with us before booking the flight so we can make sure everyone is covered. Most of our crew will arrive Saturday, visit the Everglades on Sunday, and then head down to check in Monday. Please email me if interested, and we’ll coordinate the details. You must be 13, scuba certified before the event, and pass the stringent Sea Base physical exams. Yes, we have room for up to two adults. Yes, we would welcome young women with a female leader. Yes, we are going to have a great time!